i am currently engaged in the analyzation of the spatial variations in physical,
biological,and human phenomena that occur on the surface of the globe and
treats their interrelationship and their significant regional patterns..
i also engage myself in reading a wide range of book classification,
i unwind sometimes with my friends in the friendly neighborhood joint with
yoca and sml to see us through... and on the side i am a certified dreamer
and poser!!! i can would love to be a part time party organizer...
i just love the details...
best viewed by 1024 x 768.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
D.Q. AKO!!!
i know i know i have been a delinquent blogger!!! (pati ba naman dito na dq!!) owell... it has been a very busy, and hectic month for me.. feb rocks!! i mean all the midterms, field trips, paper submission are all cramped up i this month. not forgetting to mention the fair! i'll elaborate further on what's been happening in my life later.. because now, i have to get ready for another field trip! one that i'm soo excited about as in! im going to cagayan valley!!! whoppee!!! i'll reach the northern most tip of the philippines!! this is gonna be fun!! 3 days there!! i just hope im ot that pooped out yet, i haven't slept for like more than 24 hours already, blame it to the paper cramming.. hahaha.. honestly i have to end this entry now, or im gonna be late!!! tata!!
nuthin else matters... @ 4:46 PM
Friday, February 04, 2005
totoo nga pala na sadyang nasa huli ang pagsisisi. i never used to believe in this saying. until wednesday. i guess most of the people around me already know all the crap that i went through my academic life these past years. i know i know my high school and elem/bahrain friends may not believe this but i have been slacking off in college, the ever grade conscious "debbie" is now officially a "bahala na girl". i guess i was too excited to try out new things, explore life, college life... there's the smoking the drinking, the clubbing and the tambays. (but no i HAVE NEVER EVER TRIED DRUGS) i just wanna make that crystal clear to the readers out there. that is probabaly the last thing in this world that i would try. i am content with my vices and am getting into a lot of trouble as it is. looking back last year, i guess it was a year of closure for me, a year of realization. i have always taken the right path or atleast the one my parents chose for me i do trust their decisions. but being stuck in that country where you are just so restricted and protected more like a jail for some, then finally coming here in the philippines, its like we were freed!!! free as a bird. especially without our parents around we can do things when we like it and just do whatever. i started college at such an early age of 15, yeah most of the people i've talked with couldn't even believe, they all thought that 15 was such a young age to start college, i mean they were right i was just a kid, i was not capable of making decisions that of course would affect my life as a whole like choosing my course etc. thus followed my academic delinquencies, i would fail my classes and loose interest in studying altogether, i lost my self confidence and my self esteem was at an all time low. ;( i was wrecked, i was so scared to face my problem and face my dad all the more. i was so guilty because my parents give me everything that i could wish for and all they were asking in return were good grades and it kills me that i couldn't do that. hahahahaha this sounds like an entry to malaala mo kaya.. i got carried away but making the long story short i made bad decisions and continued doing that believing that i would go to the pitts na. God must still love me becuase hindi pa ako na kick out ng UP!! and i am given another chance to straighten out everything. i have to be honest when i say that this is the only sem in my entire academic life that i am actually really studying as in no cramming. (oh alright i still cram but not as much as i used to). last wednesday my proffesor talked to me and offered me seasrep (south east asian studies regional exchange program). i was psyched!! i mean this is a great oppurtunity for me, not everyone is given this chance! but i had to turn it down sadly becuase it requires a good academic standing with a minimum average of B. i am so depressed, i wonder if i'll ever be given that opportunity again. this year it will be held in Thailand and it's an all expense paid trip i mean from the aitline tickets, to the tuition for the courses i'll be taking there, to the board and lodging and field trips. damn diba?? shet... i hate this!!! i want to go but i can't. and even it were offered next year, i might not also take it since i'm scheduled to do my summer field work then. so i have to choose betweenmarching in 2007 or 2008. but hell i wouldnt bother about that as yet. this has served as a wake up call for me too, and now i am all the more commited into getting higer grades and studying better. though my actions before disabled me from taking this program i am not hating myself for it. it was through these mistakes that i learned to be more mature and more responsible for my actions. i have learned the value of money and the value of people around me in short it made look at life in a totally different level. i am thankful!! who knows maybe a better opportunity is yet to come...
nuthin else matters... @ 7:45 PM
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
After a long day at school, what couldn't be better than spending your evening at starbucks with your roomies.. goshness.. I finally bought my first ever starbucks tumbler!! yeay!!! three cheers for me.. and i think im getting another one too!!! it's on sale!!! can't beat that can you?? hehehe so much so for trying to save up for a quick summer getaway in Bagiuo! hah! can't help it if im such a gastadora!! or can i?? i have got to straighten up my spending habits i swear!! im like going way overboard na talaga.. cash won't flow in my direction all the time.. Yes as my roomies have already brought up the topic about another bad habit of ours.. "the 5-minutes syndrome" we have decided that we should get off to bed by 12 or 1 depending on our class schedule the following day, so we can atleast get 6 hours of sleep which is pretty good enough for people like us who aren't exactly growing physically anymore (read that crissy??) hmm so if i want to get to school right before ten in the least expensive way i can, i have to wake up 7am because i move so damn sloooww in the morning. (READ: i am not a morning person) ok so i've done my calculations, i have to sleep by 1 am to get my 6 hours of sleep which is equivalent to roughly 4 complete cycles of sleep!! (psych is still on my thoughts.. damn the g.w.a. requirement) As you may notice on the photo above, there is a globe beside my tumbler.. hahaha i am a geography major now.. it's really nice i tell you, lots of field trips and field works. as a matter of fact this month i have field trips literally every weekend!! nice eh!! one draw back is that i really don't know what im gonna do after college, for sure im gonna take graduate studies, but in what?? will i get a job in my field after i get my degree?? or will i end up joining the call center bandwagon?? hope not.. because i did not spend the last 4 years nor the two more years to come in my college life burning and working my ass off and just land in the most dumbmifying job ever.. imagine sitting infront of a computer for 8 straight hours reciting the same thing everytime you get a caller on line.. (sorry for those who are working there and my friends who have worked, currently working or about to work there, but we are entitled to our own opinions right?) So im counting on the career orientation/talk tomorrow to help me find answers to my unending questions. i just do hope that Sir Sia Su will have the heart to cancel his class tomorrow for the sake of all the majors out there who are just so clueless to what job they will land on in the future, because i seriously do not want to have another absence in his class or i will forfeit my chance of a plus 0.25 to my final grade in that subject. i guess i'll just wish hard enough tonight!! it might come true... well it's officially 10 mins before 1 am so i gotta end this blog na!! *muah*